14 June 2010

The best Things in life...

Are FREE.  But I wouldnt recommend giving this to the birds and the bees, because this is what makes my love happy!  My darling hubby literally got a golf cart handed to him. This was great for both of us, because I no longer have to listen to uncontrollable moans as we pass the golf cart store in town.  And for J it gives him something to do when I am so busy, watching various DVR selections!  Plus, we have added another golf cart to our fleet of lake toys!
Friday, J came in grinning from ear to ear, if you have never seen my husband do this you are truly unlucky.  His smile causes his dimples to shine even more than normal or necessary.  It is truly worth the effort. 
He explained to my inquisitive facial expressions that we now owned a golf cart.  Sure enough I looked out the window and there is Brad, the farmer dude from across the way, driving this crane/fork lift/giant machine thing up our drive.
 There it was in all of its glory, a 1989 ez-go golf cart, top of the line in its almond/white/yellow-ish paint job.

Of course, J and his BIL already have some major plans, you see this thing doesn't, does not, refuses to work YET...after they figure out how to get it going, there is a paint job, lift kit, and a much needed upholestery job.  After all of that, our entire family will all be able to ride on golf carts to the cafe, which is a long 100ft from the camper.
I must admit I am thrilled, I will no longer have to walk all the way to the mailbox when it is hot or cold or wet...boy does my man know how to provide for his lady!

*Whatcha think about my editing?? I am trying to learn how to make photos perfect!*


  1. How can you improve on something that is already PERFECT?????hugs to you.

  2. You know, Jenni is right. She said Jason and Kyle are the kind of guys that randomly get things given to them for free ALL THE TIME!! And look, now you have a awesomely cool golf cart!! I say it should have a pink paint job, but that's just my opinion. :)
